
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2023

October, (too?) warm autumn and variety of activities

 October started with a beautiful weather, too good to feel normal. We felt like we were in summer and this warmth was appreciable but it got me anxious, we can already feel global warming and it's terrifying.  Apart from this feeling of world ending, we started the routine of the theater workshops. I discovered with enthusiasm the different groups and the way Silvia handles the workshops.  I had to come back to France for two days for an appointment and every time I go back to my hometown I feel like it breaks a bit the dynamic of the volunteering. I want to stay more in Camprovín to really enjoy the experience and not feel always disconnected. Also when I am in France I feel like my family don't understand really what I'm doing in Camprovín and why, there don't ask me that much question and I feel like it's blur for them. That's why I think it would be better if I managed to live fully the experience here and then come back in France for real.  Then there were